When Marie opened the gift from BJ, the look of excitement on her face could not be matched. The black diamond studs that BJ had given were priceless to her. She was so excited and awed by the beautiful stud earrings. "What type of stone is it" asked Marie. BJ replied "Why, they are black diamonds. Marie had never seen black diamonds before and thought that they were a very beautiful stone indeed. Marie decided then to do more research to find out what black diamonds really are and where in the world that they come from.
When Marie found time, she opened her laptop, started an internet session and settled into do research into black diamonds. She wanted to know things like where did black diamonds come from. What were black diamonds really. Here is what Marie found out about black diamonds.
Carbonado is the proper name of black diamonds. These diamonds which are found in the Central African Republic and in Brazil are by nature dark gray or black in color. Because they are formed of many small particles of diamond and carbon stuck and bonded together, they are much more porous than white and any other colored diamond.
Black diamonds are usually found in the same countries as black diamonds it is curious that they do not occur in the same places as white diamonds (naturally occurring kimberlite pipes). This make the black diamond a curiosity in that it is not found in the same places as the white diamond.
There are many theories about what causes the formation of black diamonds. Some of them are pressure on carbon in the interior of the earth, meteors from outer space, radiation, and shock from the impact of meteorites from space on the ground.
Marie decided that black diamond studs were the perfect gift. She was so glad that BJ was so thoughtful to get her such a beautifully perfect gift. She was so very happy to have gotten the black diamond studs. - 33380
When Marie found time, she opened her laptop, started an internet session and settled into do research into black diamonds. She wanted to know things like where did black diamonds come from. What were black diamonds really. Here is what Marie found out about black diamonds.
Carbonado is the proper name of black diamonds. These diamonds which are found in the Central African Republic and in Brazil are by nature dark gray or black in color. Because they are formed of many small particles of diamond and carbon stuck and bonded together, they are much more porous than white and any other colored diamond.
Black diamonds are usually found in the same countries as black diamonds it is curious that they do not occur in the same places as white diamonds (naturally occurring kimberlite pipes). This make the black diamond a curiosity in that it is not found in the same places as the white diamond.
There are many theories about what causes the formation of black diamonds. Some of them are pressure on carbon in the interior of the earth, meteors from outer space, radiation, and shock from the impact of meteorites from space on the ground.
Marie decided that black diamond studs were the perfect gift. She was so glad that BJ was so thoughtful to get her such a beautifully perfect gift. She was so very happy to have gotten the black diamond studs. - 33380
About the Author:
Don't make any of these 3 classic mistakes in picking black diamond studs. I did. Find out what they are by visiting right now